More than a brand, a healthy lifestyle.

We are a company in the food sector with around
20 years on the market.
We are a company in the food sector with around
20 years on the market.
( Sob denominação de Palmeiro Foods, S.A. até Novembro de 2021)
Production and commercialization of dehydrated and freeze-dried food products (mixing and packaging)
40 employees
BFood brands and customer brands
Customers in the Food Service, Nutritional and Retail channels

Vision and Mission
To responsibly produce tasty, safe and quality foods, nutritionally balanced and practical in it’s use.
Dedicated to the production and sale of dehydrated and freeze-dried food products, BFood S.A. has focused its activity on the business of potato derivatives (powdered potato, potato flakes and mashed potatoes) and desserts and powdered preparations, which is its core business.
With extensive experience in the development of products that save preparation and cooking time, maximizing all their chemical characteristics (taste, color, texture, consistency), BFood S.A. maintains a constant commitment to satisfy the needs of its customers and consumers, having as a priority the supply of quality and personalized products, that is, creating customized solutions.
The growth and development of BFood S.A. was based on competitiveness factors, highlighting the ability to develop products, quality and food safety.
Produzir com responsabilidade alimentos saborosos, seguros e de qualidade, nutricionalmente equilibrados e práticos na sua utilização.
- Promover a oferta de produtos alimentares económicos de fácil preparação com Qualidade e Sabor
- Oferecer soluções terapêuticas de base técnica que potenciem um Estilo de Vida Saudável
- Desenvolver produtos Convenientes com embalagens Diferenciadoras
- Criar Responsavelmente Valor e um negócio Sustentável
Brief History
BFood, S.A. is a food company based in Palmela, present in the market for over 20 years (under the name of Palmeiro Foods, S.A. until November 2021).
In 2010, BFood started the construction of a new production unit in Palmela, having been implemented in January 2012, considering its installation in Palmela, the head office.
In 2014, the range of BFood-ANA products for special nutritional purposes was launched on the market, an innovative range of technical-scientific products based on the ability to research and develop new products.
In 2021, the company started the rebranding process, changing the corporate identity in November 2021, and the company was renamed BFood, S.A. In 2022, the entire packaging rebranding process is underway.
In 2022 BFood, S.A. was certified by the international standard IFS, thus guaranteeing all international food safety requirements.
Social and environmental responsibility
We benefit from a sustainable energy at our production unit in Palmela with the production of electricity through photovoltaic solar panels
We are constantly looking for more sustainable packaging
We are socially responsible by regularly contributing to institutions that support those most in need

Adoro os vossos produtos. Têm tudo o que preciso para manter a minha vida equilibrada e saudável Catarina Almeida
Know our brands
We are here to improve your life.
We have developed a diversified range of food products specially adapted to the needs and tastes of our consumers.
We invest in quality and flavor in products that are easy to prepare, versatile at home and fun for the whole family and friends.
We enhance happiness with a range of differentiated products with nutritional value that promote health and well-being.
Through the Bliss range of products, we promote a healthy and balanced diet and bet on a sustainable future.